I presented two publications, Chion’s “Audio-Vision” and Ali Yuksel et al.’s “An Interface for Emotional Expression in Audio-Visuals”. I also presented my AVVX work and thesis book, and recent relevant audiovisual art works. I proposed an assignment, and gave advice on the final projects. I also gave advice on the workshop structure, and took care of video documentation.
- Audio-Visions Vimeo channel
- Interactive Audiovisual Objects book
- Notes on “Audio-Vision” (pdf)
- Notes on “An Interface for Emotional Expression in Audio-Visuals” (pdf)
Audio-visualization of emotions – short assignment
Prepare a short video (around 30s-1m) audio-visualising two of the basic emotions identified by Dr. Paul Ekman (ideally a transition of one to the other), as presented by Sasa Kerkos.
The video should use as its starting point the previous assignment by Sasa Kerkos (emotion visualisation). Take care in combining audio and image, and aim to create added value as defined by Michel Chion.
The video and its sound can be made with original material or reusing material by others. Link to free media resources on the web: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Free_media_resources