Coding Flash TLU Tutorials

2010/08 Multimedia Development – online ActionScript course @ Tallinn University

In August, I developed 3 “learning objects” related to Flash and ActionScript, entitled “Multimedia Development”:

This is similar to an online course, and somehow adapts some of the lessons I was teaching at the time at my Flash-related courses (which would soon transition to openFrameworks, JavaScript and Processing). The course was commissioned by Tallinn University, and c0-funded by the EU.

Aalto Coding Flash Multimedia Authoring

2010-2007 Multimedia Authoring @ Media Lab Helsinki

From 2007 to 2010, I taught 4 editions of the Multimedia Authoring course at Media Lab Helsinki, University of Art and Design Helsinki (now Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture). Between 2007 and 2009, I taught only half of the course. The course focused on interactive and generative media development, and the technology adapted for my component of the course in that period was Adobe Flash.

Coding Flash

2007/10 Multimedia Authoring course @ Estonian Academy of Arts


In 10/2007, I taught an intensive 5 days Multimedia Authoring course at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. It was mainly a introductory Flash course. In the end, the students presented their small projects or prototypes.