The one-day workshop was an introduction to audiovisual composition with openFrameworks and C++
Place: Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa Time: 7 hours duration (2017/11/26, from 11am) Target: Participants with basic knowledge of programming Objective: to gain knowledge on combining generative sound and image
Between 26 June and 1 July 2017, I taught the Interactive Systems course at the Digital Media M.A., Hochschule Rhein-Waal. Below are the support materials we used for the course.
The course is focused on interaction design for media generation and manipulation. Students will experiment with a broad range of media elements with an emphasis on controlling media behavior through code. Special emphasis will be given to crossings between interaction design, sound and image. The main development environment for the course will be openFrameworks (, although other environments can be explored. Students are required to plan, develop, document and present a project at the end of the course.
The 3 day “AVVX – Visual Music with Vector Graphics” workshop took place at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in March 2013. During the workshop, we discussed visual music; participants were introduced to the AVVX app; and prepared audio and visuals for the software.
On the 4th day (8/March), we had a performance at Estonian History Museum, Tallinn, with: Markus Robam, Domenico de Cesare, Malle Maltis, Manus Olesk, Aleksandr Zedeljov, Sander Tuvikene, Taavi Tulev (also performing their own music).
The following video collects several lo-fi recordings captured at the showcase:
Photos from the workshop:
Photos from the showcase:
AVVX app (free, open source) available at
Thank you to course participants, Taavi Varm for iPhone filming, EAMT, and in particular Malle Maltis and Paolo Girol.
In February 2008, I was invited to give a series of lectures on Interaction Design at Hyper Island, a leading Swedish new media institute, with programs in Stockholm and Karlskrona. The invitation came through the company I was working at the time, digital agency Fjord. I was impressed by the way the Hyper Island programs were organized, with extensive industry connections. I was also positively impressed by the facilities (very modern and flexible in Stockholm, a renewed world heritage site in Karlskrona), and by the drive, motivation and creativity of the students. The Karlskrona lecture took place 19/2/2008, the Stockholm lectures 20-21/2/2008.
In 10/2007, I taught an intensive 5 days Multimedia Authoring course at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. It was mainly a introductory Flash course. In the end, the students presented their small projects or prototypes.