
AVVX – About / Instructions


AVVX (Audio Visual Vector eXchange) is a visual sequencer for VJing and audiovisual performances, using vector graphics. Based on the open image standard SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and JavaScript. Free, open source. Project by Nuno Correia and collaborators. To contribute visuals, send an email to: mail[at]

(More AVVX videos)

Why use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) for live visuals?

  • SVG is an open standard
  • The format is supported by most vector graphics drawing apps
  • Vector graphics are very light and flexible, quick to create, and easily animated
  • There is a long tradition of using simple geometric elements for visual music
  • “Less is more” approach, instead of / in addition to using more powerful tools
Aalto Aalto - Other AV AVVX

2014/02 AVVX – Audiovisual Exchange workshop (Helsinki) report

The project “AVVX – Web Platform and Workshop” concluded with a workshop taking place 10-13 February 2014 at Aalto University’s Media Factory. Media Factory also provided the financial support for its production. Nuno Correia (Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture) and Jari Kleimola (Aalto University School of Science) formed the team responsible for the project.

During the project, an entirely new version of the earlier AVVX (AudioVisual Vector eXchange) software was developed. The main additions were:


2013/10 AVVX Visual Music Workshop @ CC4AV, Riga

AVVX Visual Music workshop @ CC4AV, Riga 1-5/Oct/2013

AVVX workshop


Audio-visual composition: theory, history and state of the art

Workshop links


2013/04 AVVX Visual Music Workshop @ PixelAche/AAVE Festival, Helsinki

The 2 day “AVVX – Visual Music with Vector Graphics” workshop took place at Aalto FabLab, Helsinki, as part of the CCLV – Creative Coding for Live Visuals event – organised by PixelAche/AAVE Festival, 10-11 April 2013. During the workshop, we discussed visual music; participants were introduced to the AVVX app; and prepared visuals for the software.


As per suggestion of the organisers, the sound source for the visualisations would come from one single musician/group. I proposed music by my project Baltic Diving Co (SoundCloud link), with Joel Tammik.

On the 3rd day, 13/April, we had a final performance at Sandro Bar, Helsinki.

AVVX app (free, open source) available at

Thank you to course participants, AAVE and PixelAche (in particular Irina Spicaka).


2013/03 AVVX Visual Music Workshop @ Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn

The 3 day “AVVX – Visual Music with Vector Graphics” workshop took place at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in March 2013. During the workshop, we discussed visual music; participants were introduced to the AVVX app; and prepared audio and visuals for the software.

On the 4th day (8/March), we had a performance at Estonian History Museum, Tallinn, with: Markus Robam, Domenico de Cesare, Malle Maltis, Manus Olesk, Aleksandr Zedeljov, Sander Tuvikene, Taavi Tulev (also performing their own music).

The following video collects several lo-fi recordings captured at the showcase:

Photos from the workshop:


Photos from the showcase:


AVVX app (free, open source) available at

Thank you to course participants, Taavi Varm for iPhone filming, EAMT, and in particular Malle Maltis and Paolo Girol.


AVVX – Proposal

The workshop intends to bring awareness to the interconnections between the different senses, namely between sight and hearing. Specially developed software, free and open-source, will be used ( The software analyses audio in real-time, and manipulates visuals according to that analysis.

Participants will develop the visuals during the workshop, and will propose sounds to be used together with those visuals. The visuals are built using static 2D graphics, using any vector graphics software (for example, Adobe Illustrator). Participants should bring their computers and vector graphics software.

There will be a final performance, combining and sonic and visual outcomes of the workshop, via the special software.

The proposed duration of the workshop is of 3 days (approximately 20 hours in total). It can be organized in 3-5 days. For example:

  • Day 1: lecture about visual music and synesthesia; demonstration of the software with pre-prepared sound and visuals.
  • Day 2: development of visuals by participants; proposal of sonic material.
  • Day 3: integration of sound, visuals and software; final performance.

Technical notes:

  • The visuals will consist of 2D vector graphics. I will assist in the production of these graphics, and suggest software for its production or digitization / conversion.
  • One or multiple projections can be used. For each projection, a computer and a projector will be needed.
  • A sound system (amplifier/microphone/speakers/cables/adaptors) will be needed for sound. In the case of multiple computers, a mixer will be needed as well.

2012/06 AVVX Visual Music Workshop @ Marmelada 2 / Independent Biennial, Ljubljana

The 3 day “AVVX – Visual Music with Vector Graphics” workshop took place at Marmelada 2 / Independent Biennial in Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2012. We discussed visual music; participants were introduced to the AVVX app; and prepared audio and visuals for the software. They played with the code, and explored other software. On the 3rd day (4/June), we had a showcase @ Kino Siska, Ljubljana. Eight days later (12/June), we had another showcase @ Krizanke, an old monastery in the center of Ljubljana, as part of the UF! Festival.

The following video collects several lo-fi recordings captured at the first showcase, and reflects a large variety of music and visual styles:

The next video focuses on the second showcase, with several interviews:

More on AVVX (free, open source):
More on the Independent Biennial:

Photos from the showcase @ Krizanke, 12/6/2012:


Photos from the showcase @ Kino Siska, 4/6/2012:


Other photos from the workshop: