Coding openFrameworks

2017/11/26 Generative Audiovisuals @ Fine Arts Faculty, University of Lisbon


The one-day workshop was an introduction to audiovisual composition with openFrameworks and C++

Place: Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa
Time: 7 hours duration (2017/11/26, from 11am)
Target: Participants with basic knowledge of programming
Objective: to gain knowledge on combining generative sound and image



Further learning:


  • Morning – participants will learn the basics of generative sound and image in openFrameworks.
  • Afternoon – more advanced audiovisual techniques will be presented, development of a small assignment.


  • Basic knowledge of programming (variables, arrays, conditional statements, loops, functions)

Necessary equipment:

  • Mac with latest Xcode and openFrameworks – setup guide; or
  • PC with Visual Studio Community 2015 and openFrameworks – setup guide


  • Supported by UT-Austin Portugal program
  • Hosted by Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Part of New Art Fest
  • Thanks to Monica Mendes (FBAUL) and Nuno Correia (Universidade Nova) for organizing the workshop